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PMS - Opera & Hotsoft (mit Arianne-Verbindung)
Channel Manager - Siteminder, Synxis, Travelclick
Buchungsmaschinen - Netaffinity, Synxis, P3
GDS-Anbieter - Travelclick, Synxis
Revenue Management System - EZRMS
Andere - OTAinsight, Lassie, The Hotelsnetwork, H2C
CRM / Gast-Ruf - TrustYou, Reviewpro, Guestjoy, Tripadvisor, For-Sight
Preisvergleichstools - Triptease, The HotelsNewtwork
Zahlungsgateways - Elevon / 3C
RFP-Tools - Lanyon
Market Intelligence - STR, Agency360, Demand360
OTA's - verschiedene vor allem, expedia aber auch kleinere wie Ryanairhotels
Word / Excel / PowerPoint
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